Nontokozo Mkhize All The glory Lyrics
Kube wena…
Wawungenami ngabe ngaphelel’endleleni
Ngidlule ey’ntweni ey’ningi namhlanje ngiyamangala
Ngibuka impilo yam,isimo sam
Jesu ngiyahleka
Impela useduze nabantwana bakho
Ukewangithatha langingazanga khona ngiyoba yini
Wangibeka langizanga khona ngifike kanjani?
Nabantu bayamangala, kuyamangaza
Okwazi ukukwenza empilweni yomuntu Jehova
(Wathembeka Jehova)
Konke kungumusa wakhe
(Impel’ uyayithatha impabanga)
Konke kunguthando lwakhe
(Uyithuntuthe uyenze ihlale namakhosi)
Konke kwizinhlelo zakhe
We give him all the glory
All the glory
(Yena uhlalenomuntu njalo)
Konke kungumusa wakhe
(Uthembeke njengokusho kwezwilakho)
Konke kunguthando lwakhe
(You’ll said ‘I’ll never leave you, nor forsake you’)
Konke kwizinhlelo zakhe
(Wenzanjalo ngempela Jehova)
We give him all the glory
All the glory
Even though I walk through the darkest valley
(Impel’ ungubaba)
I will fear no evil yeah
(Unguyise wezintandane)
For you are with me
(Ungumyeni wabafelokazi)
Uthembekile Jehova
(Dwala esakhele kulo yebo)
Uthembekile Jehova
(Dwala esimile kulo yebo)
Angikaze ngambona okaJehova elahliwe
Konke kungumusa wakhe
Konke kunguthando lwakhe
(Musa ovela kuwe)
Konke kwizinhlelo zakhe
(Musa wakho Jehova)
We give him all the glory
(Akukona ukuhlakanipha kwami)
All the glory
Konke kungumusa wakhe
(Nokwenza kwami)
Konke kunguthando lwakhe
(Kepha konke nguwe ngiyabonga)
Konke kwizinhlelo zakhe
(Ngiyabonga, Ngiyabonga)
We give him all the glory
(Emini ukewaba yinsika yefu)
All the glory
Konke kungumusa wakhe
(Ebusuku uyinsika yomlilo)
Konke kunguthando lwakhe
(Kwakhanya konke, kwakhanya konke)
Konke kwizinhlelo zakhe
We give him all the glory
All the glory
Konke kungumusa wakhe
(Konke kungumusa)
Konke kunguthando lwakhe
(Konke uthando lwakho)
Konke kwizinhlelo zakhe
(Baba ngiyabonga)
We give him all the glory
All the glory
Baba ngiyabonga
Mangibuka impilo yami Jehova
Yey kungaba nguwe wedwa okwazi ukwenza lokho empilweni yomuntu
Yeah Ngiyabonga
Nontokozo Mkhize All The glory Lyrics English Translation
If you were…
Without you I’d be lost
I’ve been through a lot today I’m amazed
Looking at my health, my condition
Jesus is laughing
You are really close to your children
You’ve taken me from where I don’t know what to be
How did you put me there without me coming?
People are amazed, too, it’s amazing
Jehovah’s influence on health
(He was loyal to Jehovah)
It’s all his kindness
(The player takes the puck)
It’s all his love
(Take him away and make him sit with the kings)
All in his plans
We give him all the glory
All the glory
(She’s always with someone)
It’s all his kindness
(Be true to your word)
It’s all his love
(You’ll said ‘I’ll never leave you, nor forsake you’)
All in his plans
(Jehovah did indeed)
We give him all the glory
All the glory
Even though I walk through the darkest valley
(In the father’s voice)
I will fear no evil yeah
(Father of orphans)
For you are with me
(He is a widower’s husband)
Jehovah Is Faithful
(Rock on which we are built yes)
Jehovah Is Faithful
(Rock on which we stand yes)
I have never seen Jehovah’s people abandoned
It’s all his kindness
It’s all his love
(Kindness from you)
All in his plans
(Your loving-kindness Jehovah)
We give him all the glory
(This is not my opinion)
All the glory
It’s all his kindness
(Also by me)
It’s all his love
(But all thanks to you)
All in his plans
(Thank you, thank you)
We give him all the glory
(In the daytime he becomes a pillar of cloud)
All the glory
It’s all his kindness
(A pillar of fire by night)
It’s all his love
(It was all light, it was all light)
All in his plans
We give him all the glory
All the glory
It’s all his kindness
(All is grace)
It’s all his love
(All your love)
All in his plans
(Thank you, Father)
We give him all the glory
All the glory
Thank you, Father
Let me look at my health Jehovah
You may be the only one who can do that in someone’s life.
Yes Thank you